by Kate Kaye - Author, Digiday. Publishers are already torn over whether using email-based identity technologies in the hopes of generating higher ad revenue is
By Sam Buckingham-Jones - Senior Writer, Mi3. The most likely post-cookie solutions currently rely on emails as identifiers. But there are warnings temporary or disposable email
When we launched the first iteration of lockrMail in December 2020, our goal was always working through Beta towards a big public launch on Product
lockrMail CEO Keith Petri was recently interviewed by the host of Forward Thinking Founders, Mat Sherman. Forward Thinking Founders is a popular podcast for the
The latest episode of The Data Driven Marketer, ‘a podcast for the modern marketing engineer’, features an interview with our very own Keith Petri. Keith
Unlock additional revenue by integrating with Identity lockr.
MGE Fees | $0 |
MGE Lost Email Revenue | $0 |
MGE Advertising Leakage | $0 |
One month of Email Jail | $0 |
Incremental Revenue | $0.0M |
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