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The Marketing Rapport: Protecting the Email Inbox with Keith Petri

Published January 31, 2023

As the first consumer-focused platform for identity, consent, and data, lockr is meeting heightened consumer concerns about privacy by always putting the consumer first. In this jam-packed episode of Verisk Marketing Solution’s The Marketing Rapport, CEO and Founder of lockr, Keith Petri, discusses the challenges of self-sovereign data control and ownership amidst constantly evolving data privacy legislation on a global scale.

Email is used for many different purposes, including contacting friends, communicating with professors and supervisors, requesting information, and applying for jobs, internships, and scholarships. It is also used for marketing and is a popular tool for brand-building. But you’ve undoubtedly noticed that every website now asks for your email, and your inbox has never been more bombarded. As a result, you receive many messages that you don’t want. Fortunately, lockrMail can help you take back control of your inbox. lockrMail is a public-facing email address that will help you organize and secure your inbox while helping you protect your identity. In this episode of The Marketing Rapport, host Cory Davis welcomes Keith Petri, the CEO & founder of lockr. Keith explains what lockr is and how it can help consumers protect their email. Keith and Cory discuss two lockr products — lockrMail and Identity lockr — and three lockr stakeholders: consumers, publishers, and partners.

Browse highlights from the recording with the clips below:

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lockr is a company of innovators, rethinking the way the Internet operates with respect to consumer data.